My ISR Journey:

I grew up as a competitive swimmer and knew when I had kids one day, I wanted to do something different. The traditional swim lessons just did not quite make sense to me as I one day knew I wanted my child to be swimming independently at a young age as well as have some type of survival skills. I grew up on lakes and open water and knew we needed something different.

Once I was pregnant my official search began. I then came across ISR and felt this is exactly what we needed. Fast forward to Adalynn (Addie) about 8 months old we were ready for our first session!

We made the decision as a family to commit to 10-minute lessons, 5 days per week, for 6 weeks, 35 minutes away from our house. Our friends and family thought we were nuts! (We have now done this more than 5 times since our initial session!)

But, day by day and week by week we saw so much progress. Finally, after Addie cried every lesson for 5 weeks straight her skills clicked in! She was floating! She was confident enough in her buoyancy and the skills her instructor gave her.

This is the first time in Addie’s life I experienced a profound proudness. Sitting up, crawling, and walking are all amazing milestones. But, seeing your child self-rescue and float independently for a few minutes is a feeling I will ALWAYS remember. And honestly, something I never want to forget. I want to share this feeling with everyone!

Fast forward again, I was finally honest with myself and everyone around me. I NEED to be doing this.

If 2020 thought me anything it was how I want to spend my days. And that is providing ISR self-rescue skills to families in the communities around me. I want everyone to experience what my husband and I did looking at our baby saving herself in a body of water. I want to share that moment of excitement and proudness with other families!

So, I am officially left my comfy corporate job to get back in the water. I traded a desk job for a wet suit and have never looked back. I took a risk and bet on myself to start my own business! My life had officially come full circle and I cannot be more excited.

Since I became certified, I have taught over 600 students these lifesaving skills. My daughter is now 5 years old and a better swimmer than most 10-year-olds I have seen.

Thank you for being here and being a part of my journey! Together we can save a life and make a difference.